Private Gallery Guide

Featuring Photos

Featured photos are selected subject photos that are used in flyers and gallery thumbnails for private galleries. They can also be used as the primary photo for exports to make anything from ID badges to yearbooks.

Featuring Options

Photos can be featured in the following ways.

First Captured: PhotoDay will use the photo's exif data to determine the first photo captured for a specific subject.

Last Captured: PhotoDay will use the photo's exif data to determine the last photo captured for a specific subject.

First by File Name: PhotoDay will use the first photo of the subject based on the filename.

Last by File Name: PhotoDay will use the last photo of the subject based on the file name.

Contains Specific Word: Type a set of alpha/numeric characters you've used in the filename to specify each of your subject's featured photos and PhotoDay will automatically use those photos.

How to Feature Photos

When you've uploaded photos into a job’s photo section, navigate to Subject Overview. You'll be greeted by a window asking how you'd like PhotoDay to feature your photos.

You can always access this window again by clicking the star.

To manually set a featured photo, simply select a subject from the Subject's list and select the star icon on the photo you wish to feature. 

PhotoDay can also use the subject's photo you've featured as their primary photo for Service Item and PSPA exports. In Exports, simply select the "Featured" option and PhotoDay will use photos you've featured as the subject's primary photo. For more information about creating export files, head to the Exports section.

Our next section is all about creating flyers to promote your gallery.