Private Gallery Guide

Allowing Gallery Lookup

Gallery Lookup is currently in Beta. Stay tuned as we continue developing and expanding this feature.

Gallery Lookup for Private Galleries allows customers to find their private galleries without an access code and without sacrificing security. Instead of distributing individual access codes, let your customers enter their information from an Organization Page link or Job URL!

Why Use Gallery Lookup?

Ensuring every subject receives their unique access code can sometimes be difficult. From missing email addresses to lost flyers—the scenarios are endless. With Gallery Lookup, you can avoid these obstacles without sacrificing privacy.

Instead of distributing individual access codes, let your customers enter their information from an Organization Page link or Job URL!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Configure. Choose the fields customers will use to search for their private gallery
  2. Share. Share the Organization Page link or Job URL with the organization/customers.
  3. Search. Customers enter their info > PhotoDay matches it with your imported subject data > they enter the correct gallery.

How to Configure Gallery Lookup

To enable Gallery Lookup, open a private gallery job > open the Subjects Data section (click the View/Edit button in the Photos section or View Subjects Data button from the Job Dashboard).

If you haven’t already added and mapped subject data, we recommend doing so before setting up Gallery Lookup. However, it’s not required.

Once your data is mapped, switch the toggle next to “Gallery Lookup Configuration” to allow customers to look up a subject’s private gallery without an access code.

Here, you can select the fields customers should input when searching for a private gallery from an Organization Page or Job URL.

First, let’s define each section:

  • Input Field: This is the column from your mapped subject data that will be used to validate customer input for each field. Select 1-3 additional Input Fields in addition to First Name and Last Name.
  • Select Input Type: Choose how your customers can search. They can type in their text entry (words, numbers, etc.), or some input fields (such as Teacher or Coach) can be dropdown selections from the available options in your subject data. Currently text inputs must match exactly to provide gallery results.
  • Rename Input Field: This is an optional field where you can adjust the field’s name for your customers. For example, if your subject data column is titled “Coach” but you want your customers to see “Coach Name,” you can rename it here.

Required Fields

  • First & Last Name and a minimum of one additional field are required.
  • Student ID is the default third field, but you can change this however you see fit.  

Optional Fields

  • You may select up to five total fields, and each field you add will be required for your customers to enter. For example, if you select five fields, customers must enter information into all five fields to search for their gallery.

Be sure to click Save after making any changes to the configuration.

Please note: You can configure Gallery Lookup settings before mapping subject data, but PhotoDay will display a warning until the missing fields are mapped. If the configuration still doesn’t match the subject data when publishing a job, you will need to first either update or disable your Gallery Lookup configuration.

For a smoother experience, we recommend mapping subject data before configuring Gallery Lookup.

How Customers Can Access Gallery Lookup

Customers can access a private gallery using Gallery Lookup when they click on the gallery from the Organization Page or Job URL.

Organization Pages allow you to set up and share a single link to all of an organization’s galleries. This article walks you through how to get started.


Each private job will have a unique link called “Job URL.” It’s located in the left-hand panel of the job dashboard and can easily be copied and shared with the organization to distribute, sent to customers, or linked on your own website.

Once there, they can input the fields you set up or click “I have a gallery access code” to skip the lookup process.

Customer Experience

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After selecting the private gallery from the Organization Page or visiting the Job URL, customers can search the input fields you previously configured.

If the gallery can be located with the information entered, the customer will be taken directly into their gallery.

If the gallery cannot be found with the information entered, the customer will be directed to contact your studio, or they can try to search again.

If the customer already has their access code, they can click “I have a gallery access code” to skip the lookup process.

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