Our Team

PhotoDay is powered by people passionate about photography, technology, and transforming the professional photography industry. Meet the engineers, visionaries, creatives, customer success specialists, and down to earth human beings that make up PhotoDay.


Jonathan Dantes
Jonathan Dantes
Co-Founder, CEO
Rainer Flor
Rainer Flor
Co-Founder, CPO
Lisa Mallis
Lisa Mallis
Co-Founder, SVP
Greg Pardo
Greg Pardo
Carlos Roque
Carlos Roque
VP, Engineering


Henry Oliver
Henry Oliver
Lead Software Engineer
Chris Albanese
Chris Albanese
Software Engineer
Jeremy Dantes
Jeremy Dantes
Software Engineer
Jimmy Reichley
Software Engineer
Vadym Shevchenko
Vadim Shevchenko
Software Engineer
Isaac Paul
Isaac Paul
App Developer
Martha Piovesan
Martha Piovesan
QA Engineer
Humayun Irshad
Humayun Irshad
Director of Machine Learning
Ross Davidson
Ross Davidson
Data Scientist
Gustavo Vargas
Image Artist


Wayne Thompson
Sr. Product Manager
Scott Ahten
Scott Ahten
Product Architect
Dan Burgess
Dan Burgess
Business Analyst
Srujana Gullapalli
Srujana Gullapalli
Project Manager
Justin Ordillas
Justin Ordillas
Senior Product Designer
John Pair
John Pair
Product Owner
Victoria Tinsley
Victoria Tinsley
Senior Product Designer

Customer Success

Hannah Diffenderffer
Hannah Diffenderffer
Director of Customer Success
Stevie Williams
Stevie Williams
Customer Success Manager
Austin Carter
Austin Carter
Customer Success Manager
Alexa Simoes
Alexa Simoes
Customer Experience Project Manager
Roger Pack
Roger Pack
Training and Development Manager
Kinsey Adriano
Kinsey Adriano
Customer Success Representative
Morghan Brown
Morghan Brown
Customer Success Representative
Reagan Clifton
Reagan Clifton
Customer Success Representative
Annie Morrison
Annie Morrison
Customer Success Representative
Sam Pacifico
Sam Pacifico
Customer Success Representative
Launa Vidal
Launa Vidal
Team Lead Customer Success Representative

Marketing and Creative

Wes Greene
Wes Greene
Director of Marketing
Ryan Dalisay
Ryan Dalisay
Creative Director
Emiley Jones
Emiley Jones
Marketing Manager
Otilia Velasquez
Otilia Velasquez
Graphic Designer

Business Development

Justin Baker
Justin Baker
Community Manager
Brian Derenski
Brian Derenski
Workflow Specialist
Darrell Nance
Darrell Nance
Business Operations Manager


Pamela Sehnert
Pamela Sehnert

Investors &  Advisors

Jonathan Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Chairman, Co-Founder
Stan Reedy
Stan Reedy
Investor, Strategic Partner
Jeff Ploen
Jeff Ploen
Investor, Strategic Partner
Ed Monahan
Ed Monahan
Industry Advisor
Jack Levin
Jack Levin
Industry Advisor


Innovators, game-changers, movers, shakers…trailblazers. Meet the photographers who have embraced new technology and workflow to bring picture day directly into the hands of today's parents.
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